Two Guys on a Plane2024-04-23T18:11:04-04:00March 9, 2020|Crew Life, Interviews, Mental Health|0 Comments
Why I Married a Flight Attendant
As someone who has dated flight attendants both …
12 Holiday Hosting Tips from Flight Attendants
Hosting holiday parties can be so much fun but it can also be quite stressful! But who knows about hosting tons of people at once better than flight attendants?
Catch Flights, Not Feelings
Romantic comedies make dating look alarmingly magical. A …
Is This Your Regular Route?
… and other frequently asked flight attendant questions!
So You Want to be a Flight Attendant…
10 Tips for Traveling with Kids
As flight attendants, we encounter kids on our planes every single day. We strive to be as helpful as we can with families on board, but here are some helpful hints to get you ready before departure!
The (Not-So) Lonely Lives of Flight Attendants
Many people think of flight attendants as overworked and lonely, while others see vintage glamour and an exciting lifestyle. As with most things, being a flight attendant is what you make of it.